Sabrina Babakulova |

Full-stack web-developer wannabe and a big try hard. Working at iTechArt to make my life spicier.

Keeping the blog about the innovations that I make/find in the sphere of programming, and to get used to the concept of consistency.

Sabrina's Personal is a place where I keep my

spenditure in check

shit together

check out the portfolio by scrolling down!

The Portfolio

in chronological order!

Web Development

Mimir Library

Mimir Library

The application is a B2B solution for effective and low-involvement items management across the office space. It delivers smooth and clear experience for the employees and responsible item managers. With Mimir, such actions as taking an item, returning it or donating to the office could be done without manager's attendance.


ReactNestPrismaTypeORMGraphQLStyled ComponentsTypescriptNXDockerRedux ToolkitPostgresJest testing library
Ellty online editor

Ellty online editor

Ellty is online graphic design platform, which helps people to create designs in templates, with ability to save them, and come back later to change in editor. In the editor, user can remove background, add text to image, resize, premium photos, elements, fonts, and upload your own photos, fonts, or stickers all in one web software. Ellty's users can create any project, including presentations, logos, social media content, posters, flyers, wall art prints, invitations, and more


NextNestMongoDBRedux ToolkitTypescriptMaterial UISASSSwaggerPolotno
Memorization cards

Memorization cards

A website, where user can find cards with pokemon description, and change the title and body as user wants, and save it to local storage. User can also delete the card, and add new card. There is also admin panel, which helps to control ReadOnly property of cards.


ReactReduxJest Testing LibraryAxiosChakra UIStyled Components
e-Shop for hackers

e-Shop for hackers

Personal project, A website where developers, particularly hackers, can buy stuff for themselves, save it to the cart, register on the site and finish the purchase with payment. The site is based on the React.js


Self introductory website

Self introductory website

Personal project, This is portfolio-introduction website, made as a start of my career, and all the contacts, won prizes are displayed there


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